
Commerce - old

The Commerce Department has the responsibility and the authority to purchase goods, services, and supplies through the use of IFBs (Invitation For Bids), RFQs (Request For Quotes), RFPs (Request For Proposals) and Purchase Orders.  The Commerce Department also has the responsibility for issuing term contracts, price negotiating, and delivery of goods and services for the City of North Little Rock.

Surplus Property
Surplus Equipment
Supplies/Equipment Procurement

Mission Statement

The City of North Little Rock Commerce Department is committed to directly reducing the cost of government by promoting a responsible procurement process that ensures integrity, quality, and efficiency for its internal partners.  

Our team aims to continually foster cooperation with departments and promote fair and equal opportunities for all individuals and business entities interested in doing business with the City.  Our emphasis is to implement effective, creative solutions for better economy, and efficiency of city operations.  


The goals of the Commerce Department are as follows:

•    Comply with all applicable policies, ordinances, and laws

•    Emphasize quality, value, and integrity in all procurements

•    Promote administrative efficiency

•    Delegate purchasing authority when possible and prudent

Supplies and Equipment Procurement

The Commerce Department is responsible for providing all City Departments with supplies, equipment and services necessary to perform their activities. The Department is charged with the development and review of bid specifications jointly with City departments, administration of the formal bid process, contract administration and the sale of surplus equipment. The Commerce Department obtains bids through advertising and direct solicitation. Our main objective is to preserve and protect the fiscal resources of the City by ensuring that the process for procuring goods and services is conducted in a fair, competitive and transparent manner, using objective standards for the selection of contractors and vendors, which allows for fair, impartial and uniform bidding, contract development and awarding procedures.

Surplus Equipment

The Commerce Department also administers the sale and auctioning of City surplus property and equipment. The City is currently using the online auction site, for the sale of its surplus property.